What is life?: December 2009

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Movie Abalone

Whenever I think of New Moon... I think of e abalone...

How about getting Robert Pattinson to endorse New Moon (Abalone)? It'll be a hit. Hahahaha! But I'm just amusing myself.

Finally I gotta watch it - e acting is A WEE BIT painful to watch, sometimes... I'm like trying to decipher what did her frown mean - pain, confusion, thinking about something... I usually can't figure it out till she says it.

Not good. For both Bella, n e audience.

My heart goes out to Jacob, really. He reminds me of sm1. He must be heart-broken. *I was tearing then... THEN e proposal part just cracked me up... and THEN it just ended... hmm, wasn't quite sure what to make of that.

And even though I watched it alone, I made a new friend, and my new friend, let's call her Ms K, graciously sent me home! If only I can make making friends a profession. (Not that I like to take advantage of ppl - I just love knowing new ppl, hearing things from their perspective and learning fr them.) Haha. Thank you, Ms K!

I couldn't decide who to root for when Ms K asked me, I've a tendency to root for the underdog. And wolves are such beautiful creatures to behold. She said she likes e vampires... but... I like e IDEA of vampires... but I think I like Jacob better. There, I said it. :P

Friday, December 25, 2009

After Avatar on Christmas Eve's Eve

Just watched Avatar, an alternative reality, of another world. Like watching Neo. Tt's another classic. Loved how they explained Déjà vu. If only I cld watch more movies... or not have to watch so many alone. Good to have watched Avatar not alone. :)

Avatar's like watching someone's imagination, really. Rich and relentless. Think I'd too feel my senses being bombarded if I've watched it in 3D. N mayb fall asleep as well. :)

Sometimes watching 3D makes one develop e most irritating headache, where you have to pretend tt you are ok, and still enjoying yrself.

Sometimes I think we are as if we are driven by another reality, pursuing certain things we know are not real. Or sometimes we may not know that it's not. We don't know what we don't know. Haha. Or sometimes we might pursue something that we think we want... but actually don't.

But e strength of our desires, dreams and imagination is what keeps us going. Who is to tell us that they wouldn't or wrong. That strength to pursue relentlessly is a gift. To be used. For good, and for bad. Admirable when we use that relentless strength to pursue good. Like Randy Pausch. People who willingly take e the unwalked path. No fear. No Fear. The thing that "captures our imagination", so to speak.

And there's a calling-calling too. A calling to be someone. We all have that on our lives... but sometimes some of us never find it. And fail to be that Belgarion we are meant to be. Congratulations to those who did find it, and do find it. Ask and you will receive. Seek and you will find. Knock, and e door will be opened to you. Sometimes I think we get lost cos we don't know what to ask for.

Perhaps that's where FLOW is. When one's desire, calling and ability match. The rest will come.

Sometimes a life is cut short. For what? I can never tell for now, but I know there's a gd plan for us. Still.

Gaia is crying. Like e Tree of Souls. And we are like e Sky People who think we can take whatever we want. How detestable. So we ought to be defeated... which means...?

Someone like who's like Jake (gd-looker Sam Worthington) who'd ride on e Toruk... to unite e 5 Na'vi tribes?

Maybe we really need someone to do that... impressive enough to counter this: http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2009/dec/19/copenhagen-key-questions-climate-deal

But I wonder why... this period of time feels more a Nov Thanksgivg than a Dec Christmas... ... mayb that's what most of us lack. Sometimes I forget. Completely. E ability and willingness to give thanks for what's good. But it ain't cos we're gloating at others' misfortunes... And I sincerely give thanks. I've much to thank for.

And sometimes it's cos we have too much to lose... that we do not even dare to place a bet... and we simply drift. Being uncertain. Being unsure. Cos we are afraid to lose again? But indeed... "If you love something, set it free. If it comes back to you, it is yours. If it does not, it was never meant to be." AND sometimes when we know that it's not to be... don't touch, but sometimes it's just too hard. Or sometimes we are simply too selfish... n think only of our own needs that e other is simply ignored or placed 2nd. Mere mortals we are. Dependence misplaced.

If only it's easy to love. And simply love. Without considering how and why. If we do have to consider e hows and whys... is it still love then? Is "bread" and love always vs each other... does it come in a neat package, usually?

I think I'm e one who'd choose love-love. Hmm. Do I have a choice in e first plc? Dunno. I'm just thinking out loud. Even when we say "No choice"... tt's a CHOICE made too! Maybe I'm just being naive. Ha. Well, I don't want to be naive. Child-like would be good, thank you very much. And so it's with faith. It is “with the heart” and accurate knowledge that one exercises faith.

"Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." Indeed.