What is life?: Work, eat, sleep. Is that all we know?

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Work, eat, sleep. Is that all we know?

Was just yesterday tt my client commmented as we visited him:

"Wow, another week has passed by, and we're meeting again."

Yes, tt's right. That is what we are doing with our lives. Day in, day out.

Let's give ourselves 12775 days to do tt. Work, eat, sleep. Work, eat, sleep. Work, eat, sleep. Work, eat, sleep. Work, eat, sleep. Work, eat, sleep. Work, eat, sleep. Work, eat, sleep. Work, eat, sleep. Work, eat, sleep. Work, eat, sleep. (Of cos some of us do more meaningful work, but those few words seem to make up the bulk of it, doensn't it?) Work, eat, sleep. Work, eat, sleep. Work, eat, sleep. Work, eat, sleep. Work, eat, sleep. Work, eat, sleep. Work, eat, sleep.
And most ppl really DO do it more than 12000 times... doesn't seem like such a big number right?

Cos tt will make me 60 years old, effectively. An entire lifetime gone. 35 yrs down the road. For me, I only need to add another 12000 times of that. Can I allow myself to wallow like tt for 35 years?


Let's remind myself too:

Started out very sentimental... took me three yrs to get over my very first one. HEE.

Four relationships down... my most recent one got so much on my nerves being non-committal, and aloof, dunno-where-to-find-him, never got to meet his friends, nor family, can't be bothered to tell his friends abt me (wat the *&$@*&$ is tt?) tt I couldn't wait for it to be over. It was lifeless, in my opinion. Haha.

I also means the relationship didn't mean very much. Unfortunately. Hmm. Think tt's fortunately for me.

So there's no right or wrong answer. No one can tell if you are ready, except for you yourself. And there's no use forcing if you are not. Simple.

"Then again, if you don't need anybody, why would anybody need you?" Which is very true. If you've never let your guard down, no one can come in. And it a vicious cycle tt perpetuates itself.

But it's only natural tt we'd want to protect ourselves from hurt.

Just my 2 cts worth.


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