What is life?: Very Bad Things

Friday, July 23, 2004

Very Bad Things

How are the bad things in my life affecting the rest of it?

Just wondering about it just now... maybe a lot, maybe so much tt it clouds the rest of it. Like relationship with my Dad. Maybe the fact tt he believed tt we're never good enuff still affects me till this day.

Think I might need a shrink myself. Do shrinks ever see shrinks?

A short period of affirmations isn't going to counter the effects of decades of self-doubt. Not tt soon anyway, I guess.

Seee. This is the retribution I get for "laughing" at my friend who's being treated for late stage depression. Cos I believe we are in charge of how we feel. No one can hurt us, unless we choose to let it happen. So people shldn't feel depressed. They feel depressed cos they want to.

We aren't in control of our lives, P, but we are certainly in charge of how we respond to wat happens to us. :)

HMMM. i do NOT like being negative or passive. Damn u vicious cycle. OUT! Out of my way! Out of my life!


Blogger Paul said...

Well yes, shrinks need shrinks too :) And though I still don't agree that we're not in control of our lives (LOL) I agree with you that we can control our response, and whether to react positively or negatively to the hurdles that come our way.

But I can totally understand about the feeling of living up to somebody's standards, I used to feel that too, well, sometimes now too. But I think I manage by telling myself that I am already doing the best I can with what I've been given. That gives me some peace with myself.

24 July, 2004 10:28  

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